“The context for leadership has changed, but for the most part the ways in which leadership teams approach their culture-shaping work has not. Here are considerations for growing adaptive leadership cultures in complex, global organizations.”
–Team Coaching at Scale, Mary Stacey with Karen Yeyinmen

Hardcover: 554 pages
“As we liberate the transforming potential of the environment, participants come into greater contact with their authentic selves and a higher future potential for their work.”
–Interweaving U, Mary Stacey with Reilly Dow

Paperback: 362 pages
Our latest product invites leaders to imagine a new context for their leadership and organizational life. Designed in collaboration with accomplished artists Michael Jones and Sandy McMullen, it reminds us that an imaginative capacity is essential to leading in complex systems.
From Michael’s new book, Artful Leadership: Engaging the Commons of the Imagination: “the question we need to be asking is not how to make a system do something, but how to work together in alignment with what is already emerging”.

Book specifications | Spiral bound, 9” x 7”, 128 pages.
CAN$17.00 plus tax and shipping
Articles and Whitepapers
Twyla Tharp’s choreography…and your leadership conversation
Choreographer Twyla Tharp is an inspired inventor of movement. Of fresh narratives in dance. She merges classical ballet with modern dance, and technical rigor with an off-the-cuff attitude. Rather than simply absorb technique Tharp stages a kind of dialogue with it, sometimes even an argument. She embraces and creates unexpected twists and turns in her work, and her ability to imagine what isn’t yet part of the world and then bring it to life is core to her lasting influence. Full Text Article
Turning Your Resilience into a Leadership Act, 2016
English version
Teams of resilient leaders achieve exponential benefits. Their psychologically safe environment has coherence, things make sense and flow more easily. The team experiences high energy and continuously renews its sense of purpose. Conversations are open and vulnerable, helping the team access greater capacity to lead complex change. At peak performance, the team is collaboratively resilient, able to quickly improvise and adapt in ongoing turbulence.
You’ll know when you’re in the zone: your team will experience a surge of energy and a renewed sense of purpose. They’ll anticipate disruption with confidence and navigate it with greater ease.
Adaptive Leadership Networks in Global Organizations, 2016
English version | Chinese version
Much of Context’s work is in support of leadership teams who are building and leading global networks in their interconnected environment of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). Members of these teams have earned a seat at the table through their functional excellence, and together they create strong organizational leadership teams. Yet they come to realize that building and leading a global network requires them to expand beyond the approaches that have helped them succeed in hierarchical and matrix structures, and to navigate in ways that are more collective, adaptive, and systemic.
Generativity in Organizational Life, 2014
A generative approach to organizational change is designed to be life-giving—it builds organizational capacity to continue to improve ‘what is’ and also to make evolutionary leaps to ‘what’s possible’. Full Text Article
Growing Bigger Minds: Action Inquiry as a Transformational Leadership Practice, 2013
Action Inquiry is one part of a comprehensive system that includes a well researched framework of developmental stages or “action-logics,” an assessment tool that helps leaders explore how they’re doing on the journey, and the practice of Action Inquiry, which supports vertical development, or capacity-building. Full Text Article
Action Learning: Addressing Today’s Business Challenges While Developing Leaders for Tomorrow, 2007
Organizations that use Action Learning develop change leadership skills, build cross-functional teamwork, address complex organizational challenges, and are able to consistently take more strategic action. Full Text Article
Building Business Focused IT Leaders, 2004
Visible leadership has been very important to building a culture of participation where people see change as business as usual. Change is no longer an event. Instead, it is something we are ready for. Full Text Article
Solving Complex Problems, 2006
When we’re thinking from a mechanistic worldview, we believe that the best way to work on a problem is to follow an orderly and linear process. Full Text Article
Experiencing Leadership, 2003
I see others joining me in mid-life, living and working in ways that expand their generative capacity. We’re making choices that lead us to experiences that are both life affirming and larger than ourselves. Full Text Article
The World Café at Royal Roads University, 2001
We were seeking large group processes that we could feel at home with – ones that would enable a high degree of self-organization, facilitate emergence, and support individual and collective meaning-making. Full Text Article
Constructivist Learning Environments for Developing Leadership Capacity, 1998
A learning environment is a place where learning is fostered and supported, where people can draw upon resources to make sense out of things and construct solutions to problems. Full Text Article
Toward a Personal Philosophy of Leadership, 1997
It is through the lens of community that leadership comes into focus. Community is the homeplace of leadership. Rather than trying to find ways to conquer and control it we need to invite leadership in, introduce it to our friends, and listen to the stories it has to tell us. Full Text Article
Recommended Reading
Regenerative Leadership and Culture
- Sanford, Carol – The Regenerative Business: Redesign work, cultivate human potential, achieve extraordinary outcomes
- Hutchins, G. and Storm, L. – Regenerative Leadership – The DNA of Life Affirming 21st century organizations
- Wahl, D.C. – Designing Regenerative Cultures
Leading in Complexity
- Snowden, D. and friends – Cynefin: Weaving Sensemaking into the fabric of our world
- Holman, Peggy – Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity
- Wilkinson, David – The Ambiguity Advantage: What Great Leaders are Great At
- Taylor, Mark – The Moment of Complexity: Emerging Network Culture
- Johnson, B. – Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems
Strategy and Design
- Van Der Ryn, S. – Design for an Empathic World: Reconnecting to People, Nature and Self
- Leidtka, Jeanne and Tim Ogilvie – Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Toolkit for Managers
- Center for Creative Leadership – Becoming a Strategic Leader
- Kaplan, Robert S. and David P. Norton – Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes
- Silsbee, D. – Presence-Based Leadership: Complexity Practices for Clarity, Resilience, and Results that Matter
- Heifetz, Ronald et al – The Practice of Adaptive Leadership
- Marquardt, Michael J. – Optimizing the Power of Action Learning: Solving Problems and Building Leaders in Real Time
- Torbert, Bill and Associates – Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership
Womens’ Leadership Lens
- Woodman, Marion and Elinor Dickson – The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness
- Belenky, Mary Field et al – Women’s Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind
Human Development in Leadership
- Reams, J. (Ed.) – Maturing Leadership: How Adult Development Impacts Leadership
- Magolda, M. – Authoring Your Life: Developing an Internal Voice to Navigate Life’s Challenges
- Pfaffenberger, A. and friends – The Post Conventional Personality
- Frenier, Carol – Business and the Feminine Principle: The Untapped Resource
Change and Transformation
- Hirshfield, Jane – Ten Windows: How Great Poems Transform the World
- Kegan, Robert and Lisa Lahey – Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization
- Bushe, G. and Marschak, R. – Dialogic Organization Development: The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change
- McGuire, John and Gary Rhodes – Transforming Your Leadership Culture, Center for Creative Leadership
- Rebick, Judy – Transforming Power: From the Personal to the Political
Conversation and Dialogue
- Scott, Susan. – Fierce Conversations
- Brown, Juanita and David Isaacs – The World Café: Shaping our Futures Through Conversations that Matter
- Kahane, Adam – Solving Tough Problems: An Open Way of Talking, Listening, and Creating New Realities
Creativity and Imagination
- Taylor, Steve S. – Leadership Craft, Leadership Art
- Jones, Michael – Artful Leadership: Awakening the Commons of the Imagination
- Austin, Rob, and Lee Devin – Artful Making: What Managers Need to Know about How Artists Work
Neuroscience and Mindfulness
- Hougaard, R., Carter, J., Coutts, G. – One Second Ahead: Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness
- Cain, Susan – Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking
- Siegel, Daniel – Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation
- Whyte, David – The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship
Executive Coaching
- Clutterbuck, D. and friends – The Practitioner’s Handbook of Team Coaching
- Rock, David and Linda J Page – Coaching with the Brain in Mind: Foundations for Practice
- Hawkens, P. – Leadership Team Coaching: Developing Collective Transformational Leadership
- Plutchik, Robert – Emotions and Life: Perspectives from Psychology, Biology, and Evolution
Organizational Life
- Block, Peter – Community: the Structure of Belonging
- Oshry, Barry – Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizational Life
- Zohar, Danah – Re-Wiring the Corporate Brain: Using the New Science to Rethink How We Structure and Lead Organizations