The Intergenerational Leadership Café

We’re living in a time where five generations bring their distinct worldviews, motivations, and preferred styles to the workplace.

It used to be that a demographic approach to understanding the generations was enough. Now we realize that generalizations lead to stereotypes.

The role of leaders of multi-generational teams is to skillfully work with their inter-generational dynamics.  By drawing out and supporting individual contributions and facilitating generational perspective sharing, we support the effectiveness of our teams’ conversations and collaborations.  As a recent Harvard Business Review article said, “Every generation has something to teach, and something to learn.”

Our Intergenerational Leadership Café is a custom-designed space where your teams and organization’s members can gather for a couple of hours to explore questions that increase inter-generational trust, collaboration, and mutual mentoring.

Contact us if you’re interested in hosting an online or in-person Intergenerational Leadership Café. We work with groups of 12 or more, and there’s no limit to the size we can accommodate.

“This shows what is possible when we come together to share experience—not advice.”

“The challenge is to be in conversations that matter to all of us. Perhaps this is the most powerful way t move toward the future we all want.”